I use to have Star Trek Borg the interactive movie but itll only work on Windows 95a 32x version I wish GOG would put that aup on their site to.
I owned both of these games when i was a teen and loved them both! I lost the disc's in moves over the years so i downloaded them both off a torrent site I can get Star Trek Armada I to work sometimes an other time it just freezes its so hard to get old games to work on a new gaming rig. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. User since Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. The goal of Rome: Total War is to conquer, rule, and manipulate the Roman Empire until youre declared the Imperator. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation.
Navigate to your Armada2 CD/ISO file and mount it to a virtual drive, or insert your original Armada CD.Star Trek Armada & Star Trek Armada II completed Added by Danwoolston Danwoolston Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Or navigate to *Your Fleet Ops Install location* > Data > create a new folder named Mods I click the Autorun file and the installer opens up and I am allowed to click the button that says 'install' I do but after a couple seconds the installer vanished and nothing ever happens. My rig is a windows 10 pc with well over the recommended specs for the game lol. If you don’t have a Mods folder in your Fleet Ops directory – see our Fleet Ops… How to step 12. 1 posts posted on Fri 2:25 am I have a clean disk for Armada 2. For Destination select the Fleet Ops install directory > Data > mods folder. Navigate to the folder you downloaded the STA2_Classic.zip. This How to… assumes that you have Fleet Ops already installed after following our Fleet Ops… How to. The assumption is that you are running Windows 10. iso rip of the CD, or check My Abandonware Either as your CD or if you have managed to acquire an. Fleet Ops – If you don’t have this installed already, please follow our ‘ How to… Fleet Ops‘. The Star Trek: Armada 2 ‘STA2_Classic’ mod – Available from you can download it here. I’ve tried them all and this ‘How to…’ is the method that is easiest, quickest and supports the most people. If you search the internet you’ll find a few different ways to try and get Armada 2 to run. This causes problems with newer systems, with modern drivers and software.
Star Trek Armada 2 was released in 2001, so it’s quite old now.